Archived Booking
Jefferson, Antonio Sentell
Date of Birth
November 4, 1986
35 (at date of booking)
Arresting Agency
Fort Pierce Police Department
Date of Booking
July 12, 2022 12:22 AM
Ct. 3 Poss Of Methylenedioxypyrovalerone // Possess Wit Sell Etc Wi 1000ft Worship/busn Sch Iii
Ct.1 Attempted Tampering With Evidence // Alter Destroy Conceal Remo Rec Doc Phys Eviden
Evidence - Destroying Alter Destroy Conceal Remo Rec Doc Phys Eviden
Ct.2 Poss Of Cocaine // Possess Wit Sell Etc Wi 1000ft Worship/busn Sch Ii
Synth Narcotic - Possess Wit Sell Etc Wi 1000ft Worship/busn Sch Iii
Ct.4 Poss Of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine // Possess Wit Sell Etc Wi 1000ft Worship/busn Sch Iii
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