Archived Booking
Iglesias Diaz, Aniel
Date of Birth
December 20, 1997
24 (at date of booking)
Arresting Agency
Port St. Lucie Police Department
Date of Booking
January 22, 2022 1:08 PM
Ct8 Third Degree Grand Theft//larc Grand Theft 750 Less Than 5k Dols
Ct6 Burglary Of Structure - Damage Over $1000//burgl-dwelling Or Struct Cause Damage Over 1000 Dols
Ct2 Criminal Mischief - $1000 Or More//damage Prop-crim Misch- 1000 Dols Or More
Ct9 Third Degree Grand Theft//larc Grand Theft 750 Less Than 5k Dols
Ct3 Use Or Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia//drug Equip-possess- And Or Use
Ct7 Third Degree Grand Theft//larc Grand Theft 750 Less Than 5k Dols
Larc Grand Theft 750 Less Than 5k Dols
Ct10 Possession Of Methamphetamine//drugs-possess Cntrl Sub Wo Prescription
Ct4 Third Degree Grand Theft//larc- Grand Theft 750 Less Than 5k Dols
Ct5 Criminal Mischief - $1000 Or Moredamage Prop-crim Misch- 1000 Dols Or More
Ct11 Possession Of Burglary Tools//burgl Tools-possess With Intent To Use
Ct1 Third Degree Grand Theft//larc-grand Theft 750 Less Than 5k Dols
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